Trigger to update parent records field when child record is updated

Hey guys, today in this post we are going to learn about How to update the parent record field based on child record trigger in Salesforce custom object
Real time scenarios:- Write a trigger on custom object where update parent records field whenever child record is inserted or updated.
Create two custom object, both are associated with lookup relationship with each other
1) Custom Object:- parentObjTrigger__c custom field:- Status__c (Checkbox boolean type)
2) Custom Object:- childObjTrigger__c custom field:- Status__c (Checkbox boolean type)
If status field of child object marked true then should be status field of parent object automatic marked as true.
Files we used in this post example:-
Apex Class Trigger
It is used for update parent object field based on child records
Custom Parent Object:- parentObjTrigger__c
Custom Field :- Status__c
Custom Parent Object with Custom Field
It is parent custom object used for building a lookup relationship with childObjTrigger__c
Custom Child Object:- childObjTrigger__c
Custom Field:- Status__c
Custom Child Object with Custom Field
It is child custom object that is lookup relationship and associated with parentObjTrigger__c
You can download file directly from github by click here Final Output

Other post that would you like to learn
Step 1:- Apex Class Trigger : checkboxStatus.apxt
From Developer Console >> File >> New >> Apex Trigger
Originally published at on August 5, 2020.